- 批判性地评估和综合适当的证据,以符合伦理的方式为个人和群体在整个生命周期中应用物理治疗策略
- 在多样化和不断变化的环境中以及在一系列实践领域中胜任和自信地应用和领导物理治疗实践,以改善个人和/或团体层面的医疗保健结果
- 自信有效地沟通,倡导和教育不同文化、语言、能力和性别背景的个人和团体
- 胜任和创新地使用数字技术来增强医疗保健服务
- 对新出现的证据和实践变化有好奇心、创造力和反应能力,并主动和反思地参与终身学习
- 展示在当地和全球范围内对医疗保健的社会政治文化影响的知识,以及对国家和国际医疗保健环境和更广泛的医疗保健优先事项做出反应的能力
- 展示文化能力并实施文化上适当的干预措施,以改善原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民的医疗保健结果
- 展示领导力并与跨专业团队中的一系列利益相关者合作,以实现最佳的客户/患者结果
The Doctor of Physiotherapy is an Extended Masters degree that offers a fast-track pathway to becoming a physiotherapist. A series of coursework units will provide you with foundational knowledge in the broad range of specialist and practical areas that encompass the physiotherapy profession.
You will complete case studies and clinical placements to help you apply your knowledge to make well-informed clinical decisions. Furthermore, your studies will emphasise evidence-based practice and encourage you to think critically.
Please note: Participation is obligatory in laboratory classes, which require frequent disrobing when acting as clients or patients within the peer group. Being able to physically manipulate people, including lifting and supporting those with disabilities, is also an essential requirement.