每门选修课都在更小、更个性化的班级中教授,为学生提供量身定制的学习环境,确保他们在整个 UC 学习之旅中获得最高水平的支持和鼓励。
- 在当代和历史背景下研究政治和国际关系学科的理论、制度、政策和实践
- 在快速变化的地缘政治环境中应用政治学和国际关系的深入知识
- 选择一门你感兴趣的创意选修课
- 探索一系列文化遗产和保护问题
- 使用叙述和语言的制作来解决问题
- 评估和应用一系列研究方法和分析技术,以增强您在澳大利亚和国际环境中的批判性思维、沟通和解决问题的能力
- 探索和制定创新的创意策略
- 在专业实践的背景下评估企业和公共传播的文化、历史和理论模型
- 以国际认可的资格毕业
- 建立令人羡慕的行业和政府联系网络。
- 竞选总监
- 广告活动经理
- 品牌经理
- 数字广告销售经理
- 数字广告专家
- 活动经理
- 市场经理
- 媒体分析师
- 公关人员
Master the art of political communication
Combine your love for politics and International relations with your creativity to create a study pathway that accurately captures both your career and personal aspirations, while opening a world of employment possibilities with the UC Bachelor of Politics and International Relations /Bachelor of Arts double degree.
The course critically examines the principles, concepts and issues facing regional politics in the Asia Pacific in an international context, while offering the chance to specialise in one of five creative study pathways: creative writing, cultural and heritage studies, digital media, film production or global studies.
Whichever pathway you choose, the combination of electives will help you develop a high level of critical analytical skills and a comprehensive understanding of how to use creativity to inform, engage, persuade and influence an audience.
Each elective is taught within smaller, more personalised classes, offering students an individually tailored learning environment that ensures they receive the highest level of support and encouragement throughout their UC study journey.