1. 主谓一致主谓一致是指句子的主语和谓语动词必须在数和人称上保持一致。英语中,主语如果是单数形式,谓语动词也必须用单数形式;主语是复数形式,谓语动词则用复数形式。
Th美国大学毕业论文e list of items are on the table. The team are practicing.改正:
The list of items is on the table.(”list”是单数) The team is practicing.(”team”作为集体名词通常看作单数) 2. 时态错误时态是表达动作发生时间的语法工具。Essay中使用时态时,必须确保时态的一致性和逻辑性。特别是在描述研究方法、实验过程或叙述事件时,常常需要使用不同的时态。
He said that he will finish the pr美国大学毕业论文oject by next week. The study shows that the results were positive.改正:
He said that he would finish the project by next week.(引述语气要与主句一致) The study shows that the results are positive.(描述研究结果时用现在时) 3. 虚拟语气的使用虚拟语气用于表达假设、愿望或与现实相反的情况。特别是在讨论理论、假设或提出建议时,虚拟语气显得尤为重要。虚拟语气的使用需要特别注意时态和美国大学毕业论文动词形式的变化。
If I was you, I would attend the meeting. It’s important that he attends the meeting.改正:
If I were you, I would attend the meeting.(虚拟条件句中,“was”应改为“were”) It’s important that he attend the meeting.(在某些表达建议和要求时,虚拟语气要求动词原形) 4. 连词和句子连接Essay中常常需要通过合适的连词将句子连接起来,确保思路清晰美国大学毕业论文,逻辑性强。连词的使用要遵循语法规则,避免出现重复或不当的连接方式。
She studied hard, but she failed because of the exam. He is intelligent, moreover, he is diligent.改正:
She studied hard, but she failed the exam.(“because of the exam”表达不准确) He is intelligent; moreover, he is diligent.(使用分号连接独立句) 5. 冠词的使用美国大学毕业论文英语中,冠词“a”与“an”用于不特定的名词,“the”用于特定的名词。冠词的使用错误会使句子不准确,影响表达。
He is a best student in the class. She gave me a advice on the matter.改正:
He is the best student in the class.(”best”是特指的最高级,前面用“the”) She gave me some advice on the matter.(“advice”是不可数名词,不加“a”) 6. 代词的使用代词是指代前面提到的名美国大学毕业论文词。在使用代词时,需确保其指代清晰且与前文一致。如果代词的指代不明确,容易引起歧义。
Mary and Jane went to the park. She had fun. The teacher asked the students to submit their homework, but they didn’t do it.改正:
Mary and Jane went to the park. They had fun.(“She”指代不明确,改为“they”更合适) The teacher asked the students to submit美国大学毕业论文 their homework, but the students didn’t do it.(避免代词混淆) 7. 分词短语的使用分词短语通常用来简化句子,但其位置和使用方式必须符合语法要求,否则容易引发歧义。
Walking down the street, the car suddenly stopped. Having finished the essay, the TV was turned on.改正:
Walking down the street, I saw the car suddenly stop.(主语明确,避免歧义) 美国大学毕业论文 Having finished the essay, I turned on the TV.(分词短语与主句的主语一致) 8. 冗余与重复学术写作讲究简洁性和精准性,冗余的词语不仅会浪费字数,还会影响表达的清晰度。应避免在同一意思上使用多个相同的词汇。
The results of the study were completely and totally conclusive. In my personal opinion, I think that the proposal is not suitable.改正:
The results of 美国大学毕业论文the study were conclusive.(“completely”和“totally”重复) In my opinion, I think that the proposal is not suitable.(“In my opinion”和“I think”重复) 9. 拼写和标点拼写和标点是确保Essay表达清晰的重要组成部分。拼写错误和标点使用不当不仅影响可读性,还可能降低论文的质量和专业性。
She has alot of experience in this field. I think, therefore I 美国大学毕业论文am.改正:
She has a lot of experience in this field.(“alot”是错误的拼写,正确应为“a lot”) I think therefore I am.(“I think”后不需要逗号)总结