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1.Cause-effect Pattern(因果模式)

不论在书面语还是口语中,因果模式都是最常见的一种逻辑表达形式。在留学生学术论文里,因果模式是以事物间的因果关系作为线索而展开论述的模式。从逻辑上来说,因果是有先后关系的(因在前果在后),但在具体的写作中,不一定先写原因,也可以先写结果然后倒推退原因的。以下面的一个Paragraph为例 —

Doing regular exercise benefits and improves the human immune system. It is believed to be effective in guarding against a variety of immune-related diseases. Thus physical exercise improves human health. Especially it is beneficial to people with obesity and higher blood pressure. In addition, physical exercise benefits peoples mental health by releasing anxiety and helping people sleep well.

上述这个小段落是典型的因果模式。其中第一句话是Topic sentence,直接点明了身体锻炼和身体健康之间的因果关系。然后作者运用各种Facts来肯定这种因果关系,强调了运动对于身体和心理的诸多好处。


2.Problem-Solution Pattern(问题-解决方案模式)

这种模式的基本思维路线就是提出问题和解决问题。在说理性文章(Argumentative article or essay)中,这类段落是非常常见的。以下面的小段落为例 —

Keeping a good relationship with children is a nerve-wracking problem to parents. The key to solve this problem is knowing the psychological and behavioral features of small children. Unfortunately many parents do not seem to know these things and are at a loss to cope with the relationship with their kids. It is strongly suggested that parents should spend more time with their kids and try to understand them more.

在这个段落里,第一句话显然是Topic sentence,同时也提出了父母如何与孩子相处的问题。后面从孩子的心理和行为特征上为父母们提供了解决问题的方法,那就是多花时间了解孩子们的心理和行为特点,从而根据这些特点改善和孩子们的关系。


3.Comparison-Contrast Pattern(对比模式)

这个模式往往出现在两种观点/事实/现象的对比中。这种模式是通过对比,指出两种不同观点/事实/现象的合理性和各自的理由,以便给读者更多的空间去理解。例如 —

There are two different opinions concerning how to deal with the relationship with children by parents. One opinion insists strict supervision because this gives discipline to children so as not to spoil them in their young age. The other opinion suggests less supervision and control because this would encourage self-dependence of kids, which is supposed to be highly important in their future growth. I think the latter is a better alternation since self-dependence leads to freedom; and obedience leads to repression.

很显然这个段落式通过对比两种不同的对待孩子的观念,给读者以更多思考的空间,并启发他们如何采取自己的行动去和孩子们相处。不过在大多数情况下,作者不会不偏不倚,而是具有自己的倾向性的。上述这个段落中,作者很明显倾向于第二种Opinion,在他看来,Less supervision更能够激发孩子们的自由和独立精神,有助于他们未来的成长。


4.Exemplification Pattern(举例模式)

严格说来,举例模式是一种较为松散的段落结构。这种结构的主要特点是列举事例来说明作者在Topic sentence里提出的观点。以下面的段落为例 —

The way of employee motivation varies significantly. Some HR managers choose external incentives. They adhere that raising personal salaries is a better way to motivate workers in their workplaces. They also believe performance-related pay is effective in improving workers’ performance in their positions. However, there are other HR managers to believe using internal incentives is a better solution. For instance, they believe giving more freedom to workers would encourage them to contribute more. They also think keeping a good balance between work and life would be better to keep a good employment relations with workers.

在这个段落里,作者给出了一些具体的例子来证明HR managers时如何处理员工激励的问题的。根据作者的观点,有些HR manager是通过“外在激励”主题提高工资以及采取绩效工资来管理员工;而有的HR manager是通过“内在激励”诸如给与Employees更多的自由以及更注重他们工作和生活的平衡性来激励员工的忠诚度。这样通过具体的例子,读者就能更清楚地明白不同HR的不同做法。

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