1. 标题邮件标题应简明扼要,清楚表达邮件的目的。常见的标题格式包括:
Appeal for Grade Review in [Course Name] Request英国硕士补考 for Reconsideration of Grade in [Course Code] 2. 邮件开头开头应礼貌且正式,通常包含对教授的称呼和自我介绍。示例:
Dear Professor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a student in your [Course Name] class, section [Section Number]. I am writing to appeal the grade I received for [s英国硕士补考pecific assignment/exam] or for the overall course. 3. 描述问题你需要详细描述为什么你认为自己的成绩有问题。这可以是因为计算错误、评分标准不一致,或者个人特殊情况。确保你的表达清晰、有条理,避免过多情绪化的语言。
After reviewing my grade on the final exam, I noticed a discrepancy in the marking of question 3. According to the rubric and class notes, I believe my ans英国硕士补考wer should have received more points due to [reason]. Additionally, I noticed that my overall grade was calculated incorrectly based on the weightings provided in the syllabus. 4. 提出合理解释如果你的挂科与一些不可控的情况有关(例如健康问题、家庭紧急情况等),可以在此段落提供相关解释。确保你所提供的情况真实且可验证。
Unfortunately, I encountered unforeseen英国硕士补考 personal circumstances during the semester, including a significant medical issue that impacted my ability to focus on the course. I have attached medical documentation to support this claim. I notified the school about this issue and requested accommodations, but I believe this situation was not f英国硕士补考ully considered in my final grade. 5. 提出期望的结果在表明问题和解释情况后,明确提出你希望教授或学校采取的行动。例如,重新审查特定的题目、重新核算成绩或重新考虑成绩的调整。
I kindly request that you review my answer for question 3 or reconsider the overall grade in light of the provided documentation. I am confident that a reassessment will reflect a mor英国硕士补考e accurate evaluation of my performance in the course. 6. 礼貌结束结束语要礼貌、专业,表达对教授时间和精力的感谢。要确保邮件语气恳切,避免给教授施压。
I greatly appreciate your time and consideration regarding this matter. I look forward to your response and hope for a positive resolution. Please feel free to reach out if you need an英国硕士补考y further information or documentation from my side. Thank you once again for your understanding and support. Sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Student ID Number] [Your Contact Information] 7. 注意事项专业语气:保持语气礼貌、正式,避免使用情绪化的语言或表达过度不满。 结构清晰:确保邮件段落分明,重点清晰。英国硕士补考首先提出问题,其次提供证据,最后表达期望。准确表达:对每一个细节进行核对,避免信息不准确或模糊。清楚说明你希望通过此邮件达到的目的。 证据支持:如果有任何能够支持你的申诉的文件(如医嘱、成绩单截图、课程大纲等),务必附上。证据越充分,申诉成功的可能性越大。 8. 附件如果需要提供任何补充材料,务必在邮件中提到并附上。确保附件命名清晰、专业。例如:
– Medical Documentation – [Your Name] – Final Exam Grade Breakdown – [Your Name] 9. 模板总结以下是完整的模板:
Subj英国硕士补考ect: Appeal for Grade Review in [Course Name] Dear Professor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a student in your [Course Name] class, section [Section Number]. I am writing to appeal the grade I received for [specific assignment/exam] o英国硕士补考r for the overall course. After reviewing my grade on the final exam, I noticed a discrepancy in the marking of question 3. According to the rubric and class notes, I believe my answer should have received more points due to [reason]. Additionally, my overall grade appears to have been calc英国硕士补考ulated incorrectly based on the weightings outlined in the syllabus. Unfortunately, I encountered unforeseen personal circumstances during the semester, including a significant medical issue that impacted my ability to focus on the course. I have attached medical documentation to support th英国硕士补考is claim. I kindly request that you review my answer for question 3 or reconsider my overall grade in light of the provided documentation. I am confident that a reassessment will reflect a more accurate evaluation of my performance. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please英国硕士补考 feel free to contact me if you need any further information. Sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Student ID Number] [Your Contact Information]通过这个模板,你可以清晰、礼貌地表达自己的申诉内容,增加申诉成功的机会。祝你顺利!